Liquidations Crash Course
Tapping into a growing industry
Willow + West Wholesale is a local business that is making the most of today’s shopping-driven world. Owner Jacklyn Christian and her family opened up shop in Wadsworth, Ohio and are now purchasing truckloads upon truckloads of returned goods from big name retailers. The pallets within these truckloads are then sold to people either looking to score big on discounted goods, or those looking to resell the goods for a higher price in order to make a profit. This is the process of reverse logistics.
Purchasing wholesale goods can be daunting for an inexperienced shopper, so Jacklyn made a goal to better explain where the goods come from, how to purchase the goods, and how to sell the goods for a profit for those interested.
Simple animations go a long way
Kicking off this project with Jacklyn’s goal of simplifying reverse logistics in mind, we knew the best way to explain this process would be through a video. Not only did a video offer Jacklyn the chance to make a more personal connection with potential customers, but it offered a long-form method to really explain this process and give people the confidence to purchase through wholesale.
Knowing that this video had the potential to become quite lengthy, I wanted to keep the visuals simple so that the viewer was always engaged but never overwhelmed by the combination of the visuals and the audio. Luckily, when I originally helped Jacklyn find the look of her brand through our logo exercise, we kept the look modern yet simple. Having such a clean look set me up for success for this crash course video!
First I narrowed down the key illustrations to be used in the video which were for the main process graphics. These illustrations allowed me to add pops of color to the neutral pallet of the brand and tied the video and the audio together nicely. Then, I worked to fill the remaining time of the video with simple graphics and text to help the viewer best understand the concepts. To wrap up the video, I added subtle movement and animations to give each section life.
Check out the video below to see how these simple elements came together to create a really helpful resource for those interested in reverse logistics.
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So am I... Let's get started on a project that will transform your brand.